Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Surgery tomorrow

Yesterday I had a 12:30 appointment with the doctor and a 2:30 appointment with the hospital for the anesthesiologist, the Bariatric nurse, and others. We had to wait for the doctor and only got in to see him after 2:00. He was very encouraging and explicit. I trust him. He said the surgery may take as long as 4 hours. Later the Bariatric nurse said to allow 5 hours. Had to pay $4,000 yesterday.

Then we were sent to the Hospital check in and they only had ONE person working. The waiting area was full. I was in great pain from sitting on my motorized cart. It gets me where I need to go but is almost unbearably uncomfortable for more than an hour at a time. My pain level was over 10! We waited an hour there before moving to the next waiting place.

We then spent a lot of time with the Bariatric nurse and a nurse who will be caring for me. Another nurse came in and drew blood and checked vitals - the 4th time in the last 3 days. Good news: all is well.

Today I am on a liquid diet and will take an antibiotic presription which will result in cleaning out my system (read laxative).

Tomorow we will be at Northside Hospital, Atlanta at 5:30 am. The Vascular Surgeon will install a screen in my neck as a precaution against embollisms. Then the surgeon will laproscopically go into my abdomen and redesign my gut, creating a smaller pouch (stomach) and a smaller area of absorption of calories. I will then to to intensive care for the next 18 hours (after 2 hours in recover) and then to a room.

Only liquids for a month after surgery,.

Then only 2 oz. of food (mostly protien) 3 times a day, 3 protein shakes every day, 64 oz. of total daily fluid intake, daily chewable multible vitimin (Flintstone), daily Calcium supplement, daily chewable tums, and a monthly B12 injection for the rest of my life. No sugars, no carbs - ever.

What is the reward? First it is for this body to be 1/2 this size in about 12-18 months. Second, new knees at 300lbs. Third, greatly increased mobility and overall health. Very importantly, more good years with the most wonderful wife in the world, our most wonderful son and daughter in law and the only perfect grandchild in the universe. Finally, I do not think the Lord is through with me yet. I have a big responsibility for the Seminary in Venezuela. I still need to preach, write and teach.

So the surgery promises these possiblities. I am very aware of the risks and am at peace with that. I know I could die on the table, or have a crippling stroke or any number of unpleasant things could happen. My trust is in Jesus. I will either live in Jesus or die in Jesus, in which case I will live in Jesus. Not a bad deal, it you really think about it!

I appreciate you prayers.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wound Care

I have a wound care home nursing specialist coming to my house this morning at 9:00. It has only taken a week to get this done. Dealing with the medical community is so frustrating in America. However, I have been to several other countries and our system is so much better! I will take the aggravation in exchange for good care.

Anyway, I have chronic lymphedema with open wounds. What this means is my lower legs are swollen due to the fact that I cannot elevate my feet as a result of orthpedic and joint pain. So I sit up all the time. The swelling gets so bad the skin breaks down and "leaks." Fortuately, I have no inflections, just some open places that drain. The home health care nurse came for the first time on Monday and sprayed the wounds with saline solution and blotted them to clean them. She then said she did not know what to do and I needed the wound care nurse. There followed a comedy of errors by the company, but supposedly that nurse is coming today. Fortunately, my primary nurse (translated: wife) had already started using the saline and blotting just like the visiting nurse. So we are making progress.

Anyway, this is one of those things they say will clear up when I can get my legs elevated. I am fortunate that the circulation in my feet and legs is very good. That is a very good thing and promises rapid healing.

We are now counting downs the days of the last week in preparation for surgery. Monday we will visit the surgeon and the anesthesiologist in preparation for surgery. Tuesday I will cut my hair very short, completely shave my beard for the first time in 9 years and shave my chest for the first time ever! Wednesday morning, June 10 about 6 or 7 am we will check in and have surgery at 9, God willing. Bring it on!

In the meantime, I am most grateful for all the folks who are praying for me. It has been overwhelming to hear from so many people. I am blessed.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Blessed! That is the best way I can describe my life at this moment. Sure, there is still the inability to walk, the pain and the sense of uselessness. There are still some times of mild depression and blue periods of self pity.

However, I am so blessed. First of all, I am blessed with a wife, child and his family, his in-laws, my mother who genuinely care for me. I am especially blessed with a wife who devotes her life to caring for me.

I am also blessed with an overwhelming number of friends, colleagues and soul-mates who regularly call or write or visit and inquire of my condition and assure me of their prayers. Some call from out of state. Some visit from out of state. Some inquire from Venezuela. Everyone of them is praying for my surgery on June 10 at Northside Hospital in Atlanta.

So I am blessed. However, this weekend I sensed a new blessing in the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life. There is a tenderness of soul that is indicative in my life that God is working on me. It seems there will be some spiritual surgery to go along with the physical surgery.

In about a week I will voluntarily lay my life on a table before a man with a knife and tools beyond my comprehension. He will (I hope!) do all he can to improve and enhance my life. But to do that, he will actually injure me, cut on me and do other things that I do not want to contemplate.

In preparation for that surgery I am aware of the Great Physician doing his pre-surgery getting me ready for that day. I trust him completely and know he only wants what is for my good.

I do not know what the physical outcome of the surgery will be on June 10. However, I know in that surgical suite will be a number of doctors, but none more powerful and more competent and more loving than the Great Physician. His name is Jesus, Messiah, Lamb of God, Alpha and Omega, the great I Am, Savior, Lord, Prince of Peace...


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Answered Prayer

A few days ago my pain level was 10+. No more Ibuprofen and no other pharmaceutical help. I could not sleep, the joint pain was unbearable and the pain in my legs from the effects of swelling was excruciating. We got the drugs and we got a recliner. One night of reprieve. Then it actually got worse.

For several days I could not rest and was in severe pain. I was at my wits end. My wife was at her wits end trying to find some relief for me. Then without my knowledge, she sent out a prayer request to several good friends.

Yesterday and today have been remarkably different.While I am not pain free, the pain level is usually about a 3 or 4. What a difference!

Most of my life has been spent praying for others. I have also always had people praying for me. There have been several specific times of answered prayer. This is the latest. And I thank God for his goodness and grace and I thank those who have prayed.

Alfred Loyd Tennyson wrote: "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of." Yes, and Jesus said, "You have not because you ask not." Answered prayer, one of the many blessings of being a disciple of Jesus. "Thank you, Lord!"

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Good Night

Sometimes I use this forum to vent my pain and frustration. Since it is my blog, I guess that is OK. Anyway, I am not normally a negative person. I have always been optimistic. When confronted with a problem my natural inclination is to look for a solution rather than waste a lot of time bemoaning the problem.

So, in an attempt to be more true to my nature I want simply to say, "I had a good night!" That means I slept in my NEW recliner for over 4 hours and then slept another 3 hours in my old chair. That may not seem like much to "normal" people, but given my recent experience, this was an exceptional night.

Confession: 2 Lortab and 2 Ambian. Regrets? Absolutely none.

For the first 45 years of my life, sleep was normal. While I never required many hours of sleep, I did at least sleep through the night and awakened refreshed and ready for a new day and a new opportunity. Then my (our) life changed forever. Our son was killed.

I did not sleep at all that night. I have not slept normally since. I might sleep an hour, stay awake three or four hours and then sleep another hour or two. Some nights I did not sleep at all. Many nights I would sit up on the side of the bed and nap until my neck would break, figuratively. Usually, I would just give up and go in the den and read or watch TV. It was during these years that I realized I did not need Premium Cable Channels. I would be watch something on Cinemax, fall alseep, and wake up staring at porn. I discovered why our son called Cinemax, Skinemax. So we canceled those channels.

Even during all these years I managed to get some sleep. But for the last 6 months, sleep has been an even more illusive target. My Pulmonologist says I do not have sleep apnea, the suspected culprit for everyone who learned of my difficully sleeping. Apparently, fat folks have a high rate of sleep apnea, and since I am fat... simple diagnosis from prejudiced perspective. But that is another issue.

Now, back to last night. Slept. Thank the Lord, drugs and my good wife for finding the recliner.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Life of a Druggie

Yesterday I called the surgeon's nurse to see if they would approve giving me some Vicatin as recommended to me by my Insurance Nurse. Of course, I had to wait to hear. Finally, about 1pm she called me back and told me Vicatin would be fine and have my Internist write me a prescription. I asked if the surgeon couldn't do that since it was Friday afternoon. "Nope."

I called the Internist's office. Of course, I could not speak with his nurse, but had to leave a message. At 4:45 on a Friday afternoon, I still had no return call. So I called again. After another 1/2 hour I got the nicest call from his nurse telling me he had approved it and she had called it in to our pharmacist. She said to wait about a hour and check.

So we waited the prescribed time and then called. "No, we have not received anything." Of course, by now the Doctor's office is closed. So my loving wife called the pharmacy about an hour later and they did receive the prescription. By that time, I had already had to take some Ibuprophen. So we waited until this morning and she retrieved the drugs.

I was able to hold off on taking anything until 3:30. Then I took one Lortab (I have no idea who decided to switch or it this is just a matter of different names for the same thing). Actually, what I got was generic for Lortab, Hydrocodone APAP, 5-500mg. I can take one or two every 4 to 6 hours.

Now here is the interesting thing. 17 days remaining. If I took the maximum dosage prescribed every four hours, that would be 24 pills per day. The prescription is for 30 and no refills. So I guess I will carefully ration them and try to make them last until June 10. Then I get the heavy duty drugs!

Anyway, folks are very encouraging and supportive. I believe there is light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is the proverbial train! So, 17 and counting...

By the way, as I write this our son has just compeleted his school for a License to Minister. He will ber appointed to serve his first church in June. God is good!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Yesterday, I posted about the wonder chair and the 6 hours I slept in it. Celebration. However, I have also had to cease taking Ibuprofen in preparation for surgery and will not be able to take it following surgery. I also have some lesions on the back of my calves as a result of all the swelling due to not being able to elevate my feet. Those had about gone away.

Skip to yesterday afternoon. I decided to try the recliner again. With no Ibuprofen, I was aching pretty badly. What I did not realize was having my calves on the recliner opened the healed lesions. PAIN!!! I toughed it our for almost 3 hours, then had to get up and return to my old chair. However, the calves were on fire and the joint pain absent the medication was intolerable.

I spent the next 4 hours in absolute misery. I considered going to the hospital, the pain was so severe. However, I needed a shower and at that point that was impossible. So I succumbed to Pure Grain Alcohol. Not really! But I thought about it. Instead, I found one pain pill left from surgery several months ago, I had taken Extra Strength Tylenol (useless) So I finally broke down and took 4 Ibuprofen. On top of that I took 2 Ambian (one is the normal dosage).

I have never abused legal or illegal drugs. In fact, until recently I seldom took even an aspirin or Ibuprofen. However, I have discovered when the pain gets beyond endurance, I will give in and do something that may not be smart, but offers relief.

I soon went to sleep. I slept straight through the night (except for a couple of bathroom breaks) and woke up this morning ready to do some work and with a much more positive attitude. I also called the doctor's (surgeon) office to see what they can prescribe for this joint pain. My Insurance nurse had recommended Vicadin. I am waiting on a return call from his nurse. I have to find something in lieu of Ibuprophen.

Today, I have hope and actually think I may survive this. Late yesterday afternoon I was not so sure and even not sure I wanted to. Pain is diabolical.

Most people diagnose overeating as medicating pain. Maybe it is. I just have never been able to identify the source of the pain. I have spoken with several psychologists, psychiatrists, pastoral counselors, nutritionists, 12-Step professionals, medical specialists, and friends and I still am not able to diagnose the reason for my obesity based on identifying the pain.

However, I know the source of the pain yesterday. Arthritis! I want drugs! Maybe I do have a problem with over-medicating? If I do, send the drugs!