Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Life of a Druggie

Yesterday I called the surgeon's nurse to see if they would approve giving me some Vicatin as recommended to me by my Insurance Nurse. Of course, I had to wait to hear. Finally, about 1pm she called me back and told me Vicatin would be fine and have my Internist write me a prescription. I asked if the surgeon couldn't do that since it was Friday afternoon. "Nope."

I called the Internist's office. Of course, I could not speak with his nurse, but had to leave a message. At 4:45 on a Friday afternoon, I still had no return call. So I called again. After another 1/2 hour I got the nicest call from his nurse telling me he had approved it and she had called it in to our pharmacist. She said to wait about a hour and check.

So we waited the prescribed time and then called. "No, we have not received anything." Of course, by now the Doctor's office is closed. So my loving wife called the pharmacy about an hour later and they did receive the prescription. By that time, I had already had to take some Ibuprophen. So we waited until this morning and she retrieved the drugs.

I was able to hold off on taking anything until 3:30. Then I took one Lortab (I have no idea who decided to switch or it this is just a matter of different names for the same thing). Actually, what I got was generic for Lortab, Hydrocodone APAP, 5-500mg. I can take one or two every 4 to 6 hours.

Now here is the interesting thing. 17 days remaining. If I took the maximum dosage prescribed every four hours, that would be 24 pills per day. The prescription is for 30 and no refills. So I guess I will carefully ration them and try to make them last until June 10. Then I get the heavy duty drugs!

Anyway, folks are very encouraging and supportive. I believe there is light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is the proverbial train! So, 17 and counting...

By the way, as I write this our son has just compeleted his school for a License to Minister. He will ber appointed to serve his first church in June. God is good!

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